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October 2, 2024

3 min read

How to Improve Google Core Web Vitals on a Multilingual Website

Google’s Core Web Vitals are critical performance metrics that measure user experience, focusing on loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. These metrics— Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)—play a significant role in search rankings. For multilingual websites, optimizing Core Web Vitals is even more challenging due to the complexity of multiple languages, regions, and content variations. This blog explores how you can enhance Core Web Vitals on a multilingual site to boost both user experience and SEO performance.

Optimize Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) for Every Language Version

LCP measures the time it takes for the largest visible element (such as an image, heading, or banner) to load on the page. For multilingual websites, performance can vary between language versions due to differences in content length, fonts, or images.

How to Improve LCP Across Languages:

  • Use optimized images: Ensure images are compressed and served in next-gen formats like WebP.

  • Implement lazy loading: Load only the images visible on the screen to minimize initial load time.

  • Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Distribute content globally to reduce server response times for international users.

  • Consistent media and layout: Use similar image dimensions and layout across languages to avoid performance drops.

By ensuring each language version loads its largest element quickly, you provide users with a fast and seamless experience regardless of their location.

Improve First Input Delay (FID) by Minimizing JavaScript

FID measures the time it takes for a page to become interactive after a user initiates an action. Excessive JavaScript or heavy third-party scripts can lead to slow interaction times, especially on multilingual sites where various language modules and scripts may be loaded.

Tips to Improve FID:

  • Reduce JavaScript payload: Minify JavaScript files and eliminate unnecessary code.

  • Defer non-essential scripts: Use the defer attribute to load non-critical JavaScript after the main content has rendered.

  • Use browser caching: Cache static assets across different language versions to reduce load times for returning visitors.

For multilingual websites, load only the necessary JavaScript for each region to avoid bloating the page with unnecessary scripts.

Minimize Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Across Language Versions

CLS measures the visual stability of a page by tracking how often elements shift unexpectedly as the page loads. Multilingual websites are prone to layout shifts due to variations in text length or missing fonts in some languages.

Ways to Reduce CLS:

  • Reserve space for dynamic content: Define dimensions for images, ads, and embeds to prevent them from shifting the layout as they load.

  • Use system fonts or preloaded web fonts: This ensures text renders immediately without shifting when custom fonts load.

  • Check text expansion: Some languages, like German, tend to have longer words, which can cause layout issues. Adjust padding and margins to accommodate these variations.

  • Consistent CSS across languages: Maintain consistent styles across all versions to avoid layout instability caused by different font sizes or spacing.

A visually stable layout will ensure users don’t get frustrated by sudden shifts, regardless of the language they are browsing in.

Serve Region-Specific Content Efficiently Using Geo-Targeting

Multilingual websites often need to serve region-specific content, such as different currency formats or product availability. However, delivering customized content without compromising performance is tricky.

Strategies for Efficient Geo-Targeting:

  • Server-side rendering (SSR): Generate content on the server based on the user’s region to reduce client-side load.

  • Use edge caching with a CDN: Cache regional content at servers closer to users to improve load times.

  • Minimize redirects: Reduce the number of language or location-based redirects, as they can slow down LCP.

Efficient geo-targeting ensures fast and relevant content delivery while keeping Core Web Vitals optimized.

Monitor Performance with Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights

Regular monitoring is essential to maintain optimal Core Web Vitals across multiple language versions. Google Search Console provides Core Web Vitals reports that show how different pages perform, while PageSpeed Insights offers detailed insights into performance issues and recommendations for each language version.

Monitoring Best Practices:

  • Segment by language and region: Analyze Core Web Vitals reports separately for each language version to identify specific areas that need improvement.

  • Test on different devices: Ensure that both desktop and mobile versions perform well for international users.

  • Continuous audits: Use tools like Lighthouse to perform regular audits and stay ahead of any performance issues.

By consistently monitoring performance, you can identify and address bottlenecks that impact specific language versions or devices.

Deliver Fast and Seamless Experiences Across Borders

Optimizing Core Web Vitals for multilingual websites requires a combination of performance tuning, content management, and continuous monitoring. From improving LCP with optimized images and CDNs to reducing CLS by stabilizing layouts across languages, every tweak contributes to a better user experience and higher search rankings.

By paying attention to these metrics across all language versions and regions, your multilingual website will perform better in Google search results and provide users with a smooth, enjoyable experience—wherever they are in the world.

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